Saturday, November 28, 2009

everyone deserves music

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I've been thinking back on this year and I realized that it was a pretty great year for music.  I made a short playlist of some of my favorites.  A few are old songs, but they still remain in constant rotation.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

much thanks!

I am thankful for my wonderful family (despite all of their quirks)!
I am thankful that I was able to help my brother get his life back on track (and fingers crossed he remains healthy for a LONG time to come).
I am thankful for my extremely talented and amazingly supportive friends, who are just down right RAD.  (1,2,3...)
I am thankful for music. 
I am thankful for the little moments in life when everything seems just right.
I am thankful for my mocassins.  (I'm cold)
I am thankful for the 17 year old shirtless werewolves in the New Moon movie.  (just kidding... sort of)
I am thankful for my life.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!