Sunday, November 23, 2008

All I can see

Is Sunday the end of one week?  Or the beginning of the next?
Either way, it seems to be the day I do most of my thinking (you know, about the important stuff).
All day, I haven't been able to get these lyrics out of my head...

I want to walk through this doorway
I want to open my mind
I want to pledge my allegiance to all I can find.
I want a car that will crash through the barriers
to a road no one knows.
I want to feel less control,
want to bend and I want to land far from home.

I want to learn a completely new language,
one that I don't understand.
I want to help someone lost, someone helpless,
with the strength of my hand.
I want to come to the base of a statue built
before they counted the years,
and there I'll fall with my face in my hands and cry
and feel their hope in my tears.

Those who journey can easily understand,
the more they see the more they'll learn, 
the more that they will be.
So this I swear to you, this I swear to me,
I'll never rest until I've seen all I can see.

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