I've never known why redheads get such a bad rap.
Is it their pale skin? freckles? or is it just because there aren't many of them?
Over the years, my ever changing hair color has landed me in this so called "ginger" category once or twice.
Just look at the list above...
Chuck Norris - kicks ass. (literally)
Molly Ringwold - the Brat Pack epitomizes cool
and seriously, who doesn't love a chimp?
found via the jailbreak
I have to say, red heads make me weak in the knees. They're like the peacocks of people :) I hate that they get picked on. Red hair is where it's at!
Ahh, I was going to dye my hair auburn this season, but I don't know if I dare!
I love red hair. Its so beautiful and flattering on almost anyone.
I agree (especially since I naturally am one)! I posted some fun facts on my blog. Check it out. http://jasonandsarawolf.blogspot.com/2011/03/happy-st-patricks-day.html
OH Red hair its just amazing to have my hairs Dye in red.......
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Bang!! Rd haired people, How do they do it??
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Hi, nice Blog, Check my blog...
Love this post, funny and truthful! Love red hair :)
Micky http://mickylily.blogspot.co.uk/
Everyone loves a fiery red head (:
Funny illustrations but mean something, lol. Thanks for posting!
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